We’ve discussed just how prevalent social networks are in some of our other blogs, and we’d like to revisit that topic today. There are over 2.5 billion people registered as users of social media platforms. The average American adult spends 11 hours a day interacting with media. Needless to say, for many of us reality is as digital as it is physical in 2019.
The question remains: is our reliance on digital media healthy? Evidence would suggest no. In fact, social media use was causally linked to depression by the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology for the first time in 2018. To name just a few of the issues with social networking:
- It discourages critical thinking. 60% of people share articles online without reading them, based only on the title. The binary “like/dislike” systems most social networks use to indicate the popularity of a post discourage in-depth discussion of topics and critical thinking.
- It creates echo chambers. It’s easy for social media users to consume only what they want to hear. Additionally, it’s well established that the faceless anonymity encouraged by social networking platforms contributes to online harassment. Combine these phenomena, and you get exclusionary online spaces that are volatile and unwelcoming to outsiders.
- It’s intentionally addicting and self-destructive. Many social media progenitors have come forward to say they regret their work in founding social media platforms such as Facebook. The reason? These platforms were designed to be addictive much like casinos. The difference is, social media users gamble with their own social currency and self-worth. Self-worth and validation are tied to ‘like’ buttons on Facebook and ‘hearts’ on Instagram. As a result, many users link their worth to how recognized they are on social media. This creates an extremely destructive cycle of a never-ending need for digital validation.
These issues play a huge role in our philosophy here at TRIBAL. TRIBAL isn’t designed to be a social network like Facebook or Instagram, because we don’t want it to be a workplace substitute for those platforms. TRIBAL doesn’t enable negative social networking behavior such as click-bait headlines or anonymous user cruelty. It’s a place where people share meaningful stories – not to gain digital validation, but to make real-life connections.
Most leaders today realize their employees are struggling to find meaning at work and within their lives in a world where information is constant and meaning is tied to ‘likes’ and ‘dislikes.’ We designed TRIBAL to be a platform for leaders to connect with employees and help employees share and discover meaningful experiences with one another. TRIBAL takes the power away from social networks and puts it where it should be: in the hands of leaders, so they can facilitate truly meaningful experiences at work for their people.
We’ve written this before, but it remains as true as ever. Work doesn’t become meaningful because you get a corner office or wear a suit every day. Similarly, life doesn’t become meaningful because you finally hit 10,000 followers on Instagram. Meaningful work is created by meaningful relationships — leaders who legitimately care about their employees, coworkers who legitimately care about each other and employees who feel like they truly belong. Meaningful life is created by sharing authentic, inspiring experiences with other human beings.
TRIBAL helps connect people in more meaningful relationships which helps to create a greater sense of meaning – no matter where you are.
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TRIBAL is a relationship and community building platform that helps leaders build strong, inspired teams.
TRIBAL uses strategic storytelling to enable and enhance meaningful relationships across all levels of your organization. By leveraging the inherent tribal nature and impactful stories your organization has, TRIBAL helps leaders shape a meaningful culture from the top down and bottom up. Studies show that a meaningful workplace leads to inspired employees who outperform all others.
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