One billion websites.
600 million blogs.
2.5 billion social media users.
5 million apps in the app store.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, you’re not alone. For some time now, it’s been common knowledge that technology today is progressing faster than at any point in human history. However, unlike the humans of eras past, we modern people have a problem: technology is progressing faster than we can adapt to it.
It’s no wonder either. Take a moment to think about how much information you’re inundated with every day. News. Podcasts. Social media posts. What’s trending? Why? Is it depressing or inspiring? The average American adult spends 11 hours per day interacting with media. That’s 11 hours of constantly trying to take in new information and form new opinions. Social media was causally linked by the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology to depression for the first time ever in 2018.
As more and more founders of social media giants eschew the platforms they helped create (the creator of Facebooks ‘like’ button says he regrets making it and one of Facebook’s founders doesn’t let his children use the platform because he believes it’s addictive), it’s hard to escape the feeling that human dove too fast into a technology that nobody fully understood the psychological ramifications of.
Then there’s work. The U.S. currently ranks as the most overworked nation in the world, surpassing stereotypical examples of overwork such as Japan by a wide margin. Without many of the worker safety nets that employees in other countries often benefit from, American workers have been encouraged to fetishize ‘the grind’ or ‘the hustle’ and overwork themselves.
So you’ve got employees who are working more than ever before and when they’re not at work, they’re likely processing media and information that they find depressing. It’s little wonder then that over half of the workers in the U.S. report being unhappy with their jobs or that 46% of Americans report almost always or always feeling lonely and isolated.
Put bluntly: people are suffering. We want to help.
The goal of Tribal is to allow leaders to create a workspace where employees can build authentic connections with one another and find meaning in their work and lives. This benefits companies as well – workers who are inspired and find their work meaningful are significantly more productive than workers who are depressed or unsatisfied.
In the coming blogs, you can expect to learn more about the challenges facing businesses today and how Tribal aims to solve those challenges. Until then, thanks for stopping by!
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TRIBAL is a relationship and community building platform that helps leaders build strong, inspired teams.
TRIBAL uses strategic storytelling to enable and enhance meaningful relationships across all levels of your organization. By leveraging the inherent tribal nature and impactful stories your organization has, TRIBAL helps leaders shape a meaningful culture from the top down and bottom up. Studies show that a meaningful workplace leads to inspired employees who outperform all others.
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