986 - Senior Leadership Team Feedback Survey Session Details We ask for your name and department/role in order to align feedback to future development implementation.
Please check all sessions you attended.
Feedback on Session - Scaling Leadership (Monday 10:00-12:00)
On a scale from 0 (not at all likely) to 10 (extremely likely), how likely are you to recommend the "Scaling Leadership" session to a colleague?
Immediate Implementation: What is one key strategy from this session you plan to implement immediately? Why?
Long-term Impact: What changes do you foresee making in the long term due to this session?
Feedback on Session - Meaningful Connection Foundations (Monday 12:30-4:30)
On a scale from 0 (not at all likely) to 10 (extremely likely), how likely are you to recommend the "Meaningful Connection Foundations" session to a colleague?
Key Takeaways: What are your main takeaways from this session?
Skills Acquisition: Which skills from this session are most beneficial for your role?
Feedback on Session - Great Expectations - Steps for Successful Supervision (Tuesday & Wednesday)
On a scale from 0 (not at all likely) to 10 (extremely likely), how likely are you to recommend the "Great Expectations" session to a colleague?
Strategy Implementation: Identify any new strategies you plan to implement from this session.
Development Effectiveness: Rate the practicality of the steps discussed in your current environment.
MC/GE Quad Chart Position: Which quadrant do you believe your organization currently falls into? Please select one:
Additional Resources: What additional resources or support do you need to implement the strategies covered in this session successfully?
Interest in Further Development: Would you be interested in follow-up sessions on these topics?
Overall Experience on Scale of 0 (least) - 10 (best)
Development Methods: How engaging were the methods used (e.g., case studies, group discussions)?
Material Usefulness: How useful did you find the materials provided?
Overall Satisfaction: How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the sessions?
Open-Ended Feedback- In addition to your post it note feedback we want to give you the opportunity to give feedback.
What did you find most valuable during this Senior Leadership onsite?
What do you think your subordinate leaders will find valuable?
What could be improved for future Senior Leader on-site sessions?
What could be improved for the application of training for your subordinate leaders?
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