Post Training Survey

Immediately Post Training

Congratulations on completing the Meaningful Connection Foundations Training! Your journey toward enhancing leadership through meaningful connections is critical to us. This survey aims to gather your valuable feedback on the training. Your insights will help us refine our approach and better support leaders in fostering meaningful connections and achieving Great Expectations. Your honest reflections will contribute significantly to our continuous improvement. All answers are strictly confidential. We only share data, as necessary, in the aggregate form.

Feedback on Training

Strongly AgreeAgreeSomewhat AgreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree
The training environment was conducive to learning.
The course facilitators were knowledgeable and presented the materials effectively.
Activities enhanced comprehension of the content.
The class was engaging and interactive.
Topics were relevant to my duties.
I would recommend this training for other leaders.
I understand what Meaningful Connection is.
I understand the importance of leaders working to build Meaningful Connection in the workplace.
I understand how storytelling can be used to foster Meaningful Connection.
The training on Strategic Storytelling equipped me with practical skills to foster connections.
I understand the importance of leaders and tools to help build, scale, and sustain a culture of Meaningful Connection.
I understand the importance of setting Great Expectations alongside fostering Meaningful Connection for high performance.

Confidence & Capacity in MC Leadership

Strongly AgreeAgreeSomewhat AgreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree
I am confident in my ability to help my people build Meaningful Connection with/amongst each other.
I feel confident using storytelling effectively to foster connections between myself and the people I lead.
I am confident in my ability to listen well and respond to others as they share their stories.
I am comfortable sharing my vulnerabilities and challenges with my team as appropriate.
I feel like I have the time and energy needed to invest in building Meaningful Connection with and amongst my team.

Commitment / Behavior for Meaningful Connection

Strongly AgreeAgreeSomewhat AgreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree
I will commit to having a written plan for intentionally building Meaningful Connection with/amongst my team.
I am committed to applying what I’ve learned about Meaningful Connection to enhance my leadership.
I am committed to providing opportunities for team members to meaningfully connect.
I will utilize strategic storytelling to build Meaningful Connection with/amongst my team.
I will remain open to the idea of using the REV Network to help scale and sustain Meaningful Connection with/amongst my team.

Measuring Anticipated (or Hoped For) Impact on Individuals, Teams, and Organization

Strongly AgreeAgreeSomewhat AgreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree
Meaningful Connection, if implemented well, will positively impact me and those I lead/serve.
Meaningful Connection, if implemented well, will positively impact our team dynamics - trust, respect, empathy, care, morale, and productivity.
Meaningful Connection, if implemented well, will positively impact our organization - improve culture, retention of top talent, reduction of harmful behaviors, and other considerations.

Last Question

We are going to need support from leaders in your organization to help lead Meaningful Connection efforts. We do not anticipate a large amount of time/effort being required to do this. We need leaders who are willing to share stories, engage in your custom group in REV, and/or champion Meaningful Connection efforts. If willing, please indicate here. We will need you name and email in order to follow up with you about your interest.

If yes, we would like to be able to contact you, please provide your name and email.