988 - Devcom - Immediately Post MCF Training Version 2.0

Congratulations on completing the Meaningful Connection Foundations Training! We value your journey toward enhanced leadership through meaningful connections. Please take a moment to provide your feedback on the training. Your insights are crucial for refining our methods and supporting effective leadership. All responses are confidential and shared only in aggregate.

Feedback on MCF Training

Strongly AgreeAgreeSomewhat AgreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree
The training environment was conducive to learning.
The course facilitators were knowledgeable and presented the materials effectively.
Activities enhanced comprehension of the content.
The class was engaging and interactive.
Topics were relevant to my duties.
I believe that leaders intentionally pursuing Meaningful Connection would positively impact me and those I lead/serve.
I am confident in my ability to intentionally build Meaningful Connection
I commit to intentionally pursue Meaningful Connection with those I lead and serve.
Not at all Likely Extremely Likely

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