718 - Skills Rating - S3I

Leadership Skills Rating Matrix

Please fill out the form below completely. Instructions for the rating matrix will be provided before each section. 

Name of Reviewer

Name of Employee Being Reviewed

Instruction for Self-Assessment

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Instruction for Supervisor Assessment

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Leadership Skills Rating Matrix

Rating Definitions

  • 0 - No Competency: The individual does not possess this skill.
  • 1 - Very Basic Competency: Minimal understanding; significant training is required.
  • 2 - Basic Competency: Fundamental understanding is present; more training and practical experience are needed.
  • 3 - Developing Competency: Basic practical experience; can perform tasks with supervision and support.
  • 4 - Proficient Competency: Good understanding and ability to perform tasks independently with occasional guidance.
  • 5 - Advanced Competency: Strong proficiency demonstrated with the ability to guide others and improve processes.
  • 6 - Expert Competency: High expertise and leadership in this area, consistently innovates and mentors others.
  • 7 - Master Competency: Mastery of the skill at the highest level, recognized authority, sets standards and best practices.


Effective Information Delivery to Team

Clear, concise, tailored information delivery in alignment with leadership priorities and organizational values.

Ensure Information is Accurately Understood

Confirm employees understand information they are receiving.

Advocate to Leadership

Effectively communicate with leadership on behalf of the team and customers.

Business Acumen

Contract Skills

Building Tech Data Packages, COR/COTR, etc.

Project Management

Managing projects effectively - cost, schedule, and performance.

Inspecting for Work Quality

Ensuring high-quality work outputs.

Inspecting for Work Quality

Ensuring high-quality work outputs.

Employee and Team Growth


Upskill and develop employees according to organizational Values and Organization priorities.

Assess Talent

Evaluating team member capabilities and growth opportunities.


Building cohesive teams - goal orientation, team integration, synergy.


Teaching technical skills to employees.

Sales/Business Development

Customer Needs Assessment

Understanding and meeting customer needs - asking strategic questions and listening.

Customer Relationship Building

Building and maintaining relationships with customers. Ensure customer satisfaction.


Marketing team and Organizational capabilities.

Public Speaking / Presentation Skills

Effectively presenting and speaking publicly.

Leadership Skills Rating Matrix

Rating Definitions

  • 0 - No Competency: The individual does not possess this skill.
  • 1 - Very Basic Competency: Minimal understanding; significant training is required.
  • 2 - Basic Competency: Fundamental understanding is present; more training and practical experience are needed.
  • 3 - Developing Competency: Basic practical experience; can perform tasks with supervision and support.
  • 4 - Proficient Competency: Good understanding and ability to perform tasks independently with occasional guidance.
  • 5 - Advanced Competency: Strong proficiency demonstrated with the ability to guide others and improve processes.
  • 6 - Expert Competency: High expertise and leadership in this area, consistently innovates and mentors others.
  • 7 - Master Competency: Mastery of the skill at the highest level, recognized authority, sets standards and best practices.



Awarding and rewarding employees for their achievements.


Providing constructive feedback for improvement.


Implementing corrective actions when needed.

Personnel Management

Hiring / Promoting

Ensuring the right talent is identified, recruited, hired, and promoted.

Succession Planning

Developing future leaders and creating succession plans.

Union Management

Managing relationships with the union (MER).

Work Environment Management

Physical Environment

Optimizing physical workspaces for productivity.

Cultural Environment

Maintaining a healthy, positive work culture.

Work Balance

Aligning tasks to employee skillsets and organizational priorities.

Performance Management

Employee Feedback

Providing actionable, timely performance feedback.

Work Quality

Ensuring quality work outputs.

Time Management

Prioritizing tasks and managing time effectively.

Talent Assessment

Evaluating employee skills and potential.

Administrative Functions

Budget Management

Managing budgets and forecasting workloads.

Administrative Tasks

Executing all administrative functions (e.g., DTS, ATA, ATAAPS).

Business Development

Customer Satisfaction Verification

Ensuring customer needs are met and issues addressed.

Inter-Branch Collaboration

Teaming with other branches to provide optimal solutions.


Information Relay

Ensuring information is relayed up and down the chain of command.


Ensuring alignment across the organization through regular, meaningful communication.

Leadership Skills Rating Matrix

Rating Definitions

  • 0 - No Competency: The individual does not possess this skill.
  • 1 - Very Basic Competency: Minimal understanding; significant training is required.
  • 2 - Basic Competency: Fundamental understanding is present; more training and practical experience are needed.
  • 3 - Developing Competency: Basic practical experience; can perform tasks with supervision and support.
  • 4 - Proficient Competency: Good understanding and ability to perform tasks independently with occasional guidance.
  • 5 - Advanced Competency: Strong proficiency demonstrated with the ability to guide others and improve processes.
  • 6 - Expert Competency: High expertise and leadership in this area, consistently innovates and mentors others.
  • 7 - Master Competency: Mastery of the skill at the highest level, recognized authority, sets standards and best practices.

Leadership Development

Leadership Development

Developing and holding leaders accountable.

Future Leader Development

Identify high-potential leaders and develop skills.


Ensuring productive mentor relationships.


Business Development

Ensuring Division Solvency

Ensuring division solvency and collaboration.


Organizational Understanding

Organizational Operations

Understanding Organizational operations and strategic competencies.


Work Environment Management

Resource Provision

Providing resources and maintaining a positive culture.


Cultural Environment

Ensuring each branch has a healthy, positive culture.


Engagement and Interaction

Leadership Engagement

Regularly aligning branch chiefs.


Employee Engagement

Interacting with employees to identify needs.


Industry and Academia Interface

Engaging with external partners.


Leadership Skills Rating Matrix

Rating Definitions

  • 0 - No Competency: The individual does not possess this skill.
  • 1 - Very Basic Competency: Minimal understanding; significant training is required.
  • 2 - Basic Competency: Fundamental understanding is present; more training and practical experience are needed.
  • 3 - Developing Competency: Basic practical experience; can perform tasks with supervision and support.
  • 4 - Proficient Competency: Good understanding and ability to perform tasks independently with occasional guidance.
  • 5 - Advanced Competency: Strong proficiency demonstrated with the ability to guide others and improve processes.
  • 6 - Expert Competency: High expertise and leadership in this area, consistently innovates and mentors others.
  • 7 - Master Competency: Mastery of the skill at the highest level, recognized authority, sets standards and best practices.

Business Management

Business Right Size and Alignment

Aligning business activities with mission needs.



Strategic Collaboration

Promoting strategic collaboration.



Strategic Messaging

Ensuring clear strategic messaging to the workforce.


Human Capital Management

Human Capital Monitoring

Supporting continuous human capital exercises.


Leadership Skills Rating Matrix

Rating Definitions

  • 0 - No Competency: The individual does not possess this skill.
  • 1 - Very Basic Competency: Minimal understanding; significant training is required.
  • 2 - Basic Competency: Fundamental understanding is present; more training and practical experience are needed.
  • 3 - Developing Competency: Basic practical experience; can perform tasks with supervision and support.
  • 4 - Proficient Competency: Good understanding and ability to perform tasks independently with occasional guidance.
  • 5 - Advanced Competency: Strong proficiency demonstrated with the ability to guide others and improve processes.
  • 6 - Expert Competency: High expertise and leadership in this area, consistently innovates and mentors others.
  • 7 - Master Competency: Mastery of the skill at the highest level, recognized authority, sets standards and best practices.

Business Management

Business Alignment

Aligning business activities with mission needs.



Strategic Messaging

Communicating strategic intent.



Collaboration Checkups

Identifying collaboration opportunities.


Human Capital Management

Human Capital Planning

Developing and maintaining human capital plans.


Technical Development

Technical Development

Ensuring technical growth and effective mentoring.


Leadership Development

Leadership Development

Ensuring leader growth and providing specific training.


Leadership Skills Rating Matrix

Rating Definitions

  • 0 - No Competency: The individual does not possess this skill.
  • 1 - Very Basic Competency: Minimal understanding; significant training is required.
  • 2 - Basic Competency: Fundamental understanding is present; more training and practical experience are needed.
  • 3 - Developing Competency: Basic practical experience; can perform tasks with supervision and support.
  • 4 - Proficient Competency: Good understanding and ability to perform tasks independently with occasional guidance.
  • 5 - Advanced Competency: Strong proficiency demonstrated with the ability to guide others and improve processes.
  • 6 - Expert Competency: High expertise and leadership in this area, consistently innovates and mentors others.
  • 7 - Master Competency: Mastery of the skill at the highest level, recognized authority, sets standards and best practices.

Strategic Management

Mission Alignment

Ensuring all business growth aligns with the mission. Providing strategic direction for mission alignment.


Values Management

Values Adherence

Upholding and promoting adherence to Organizational values.


Human Capital Management

Development Paths

Maintaining and ensuring adherence to development paths for employees and leaders.




Regularly interacting with external stakeholders.



Identifying Collaboration Opportunities

Know the Organizational organization. Pursue in-depth knowledge of work opportunities. Build relationships with other partner organizations to facilitate effective collaboration.


Leadership Skills Rating Matrix

Rating Definitions

  • 0 - No Competency: The individual does not possess this skill.
  • 1 - Very Basic Competency: Minimal understanding; significant training is required.
  • 2 - Basic Competency: Fundamental understanding is present; more training and practical experience are needed.
  • 3 - Developing Competency: Basic practical experience; can perform tasks with supervision and support.
  • 4 - Proficient Competency: Good understanding and ability to perform tasks independently with occasional guidance.
  • 5 - Advanced Competency: Strong proficiency demonstrated with the ability to guide others and improve processes.
  • 6 - Expert Competency: High expertise and leadership in this area, consistently innovates and mentors others.
  • 7 - Master Competency: Mastery of the skill at the highest level, recognized authority, sets standards and best practices.

Vision and Strategy

Vision Setting

Setting a clear vision for directorate growth.


Priority Setting

Establishing and communicating strategic priorities.


Values Management

Values Promotion

Championing the Organizational values across the organization.


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