718-01 MC/GE Training Feedback - Communication, MCF, SSS

Congratulations on completing the first round of your leadership development journey! Your growth in Meaningful Connection and Great Expectations is invaluable. This assessment gathers your feedback on the training to help us refine our approach and better support leaders like you.

We also collect some administrative data to accurately measure your organization's return on investment. Rest assured, all information is shared only in aggregate, and we respect your privacy—no data will be shared without your permission.

Thank you for your participation and insights!

Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
The course facilitators were knowledgeable and presented the materials effectively.
Activities and discussions enhanced my comprehension of the content.
The class was engaging and interactive.
Topics covered were relevant to my role and responsibilities.
I learned new ways to think about leadership and how to be even more effective.
I found the lessons helpful and see the frameworks taught as something I can implement imediately.
Least Best

Feedback on Session - Communication (Day One)

Not at all Likely Extremely Likely

Feedback on Session - Meaningful Connection Foundations (Day One)

Not at all Likely Extremely Likely

Feedback on Session - Great Expectations - Steps for Successful Supervision (Day Two)

Not at all Likely Extremely Likely

Leader Confidence and Commitment

We want to understand how confident you feel in applying what you've learned and your commitment to making it a part of your leadership. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all or a one-time training; we’re here to support you as you implement these skills and work towards achieving your team’s goals.

Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree
I am confident in my ability to communicate effectively with my people.
I am confident in my ability to help my people build Meaningful Connection with/amongst each other.
I am confident in my ability to integrate Meaningful Connection into my daily leadership approach.
I am confident in my ability to teach those I lead in the course of business.
I am confident in my ability to inspect for understanding.
I am confident in my ability to delegate well.
I am confident in my ability to hold my team accountable to the expectations we set.

Current Levels of Meaningful Connection and Great Expectations

Open-Ended Feedback

Thank you for your willingness to share your stories of hope, help, and/or purpose with your colleagues! We will need your name and email address to follow up with you. 

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